Why Palestinians Want This Video Removed from YouTube: http://ping.fm/v0YcS It is hard to argue truths.
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Monday, May 30, 2011
Saturday, May 28, 2011
@GoLiteColorado is having their major sales event in Denver starting today at 4 locations. http://ping.fm/yeYMa
Posted by
da' hammer
8:02 AM
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Great article about 1 of the kids in the @ColoYouthAtRisk program http://tinyurl.com/3onfcy8 Look at the stats 50% dropout to 5% dropout.
Posted by
da' hammer
6:09 AM
Saturday, May 21, 2011
Remember the days when you didn't see a tip jar on every counter?! I guess I'm jealous because I don't have a counter to put one one.
Posted by
da' hammer
10:04 PM
Most of these apply to any web site RT @BorrowLenses 10 tips for your portfolio from a web designer http://bit.ly/k7NwEv via @improvephoto
Posted by
da' hammer
10:34 AM
Wow! I totally forgot today is Judgement Day. Coming at 6p in your time zone. http://ping.fm/IU7yh
Posted by
da' hammer
9:56 AM
Friday, May 13, 2011
Would you fall for this? A post about an email I just received. http://ping.fm/D8cQc
Posted by
da' hammer
7:41 PM
Almost Believable
I just received this email today from "Sandra Clark, CEO of Craigslist". It is strange that the email address is michelinardqd@hotmail.com. I guess she sent it from her 'incognito' address so I can't stalk her at work. Ok, I can buy that.
Please do not click on the link she lists. I will not be responsible for any harm that could be done to you or your computer!
"Attention Jay Morse,
My name is Sandra Clark, Chief executive officer of Craigslist. We've recently joined up with Apple mackintosh for a one-time promotional event today, we are giving away free Apple MacBooks to randomly selected individuals who have submitted an advert on Craig's list. You have been picked as one of our latest winners for today. We randomly choose numbers to match up with ads on C-list and your advertisement matched with our latest drawing.
We now have partnered up with Apple inc to promote their most popular product yet, the Apple MacBook. Once again, we have been operating this promotion for one-day only. All you need to do is CLICK HERE to go to our web site made for this promotion and type in your email to get yours for free. Just make sure you enter your email therefore we can locate our records to make certain that we have reserved one for you. That's it!
Congratulations on winning a free Apple MacBook (valued at $1299). If you have any question or concerns, feel free to email me back. However, you need to claim your free MacBook 1st to guarantee one will be set-aside for you before the deadline ends. We do understand that you may possibly not receive this e-mail until after the deadline, however, we advise you check out the site and enter your email to see if we still have got yours on hold, which we often-times do as a result others haven't claimed theirs on time.
Sandra Clark
CEO, Craigslist"
I highlighted in bold the typos & mistakes I found. Can you find others?
She almost had me. If she would have spelled Macintosh correctly, I may have fell for it. Yeah, right!
What is it with these scammers? If they could only spell correctly they may get more suckers.
Nice Try!
Posted by
da' hammer
5:30 PM
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
Stop using @TwitPic! You will lose your rights to your photos. http://ping.fm/TaVNU
Posted by
da' hammer
8:11 PM
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Great online legal resource for some states: http://ping.fm/Ldzam
Posted by
da' hammer
4:26 PM
Friday, May 06, 2011
Great video on the 2010 CycloCross Season http://ping.fm/KuJkC
Posted by
da' hammer
6:55 AM
Sunday, May 01, 2011
Wow, great investigative news from Fox31 news in Denver do not pay that photo radar ticket! http://ping.fm/UcT2o
Posted by
da' hammer
5:32 PM