Our friends at JibJab have found a very interesting piece of animation that I am sure they wish they could have come up with.
This video was commisioned by Consumers Union on the prescription drug industry. It is a comical yet scary look into the drugs that are on the market today and pokes fun at side effects. My all time favorite side effect is 'anal leakage'. Now why would someone take a drug knowingly that they can possibly have anal leakage??!!
Now for some political stuff:
Take action now -- Tell Congress to support the FACT Act, requiring drug companies to make public all the results of their clinical trial research and improve the safety of drugs currently on the market. There's growing support in Congress for real reform, and your voice right now will make a difference.
Thursday, March 31, 2005
"The Drugs I Need"
Posted by
da' hammer
7:36 AM
Dog Update
We have decided to have GRFR get a second opinion on Mack's lump on the back of his neck. So hopefully they can get him in by Saturday and as long as everything turns out ok, we can officially adopt him then!
I went to a local pet store in Lakewood, Pets 'n Stuff, yesterday and bought a bunch of supplies to get started with. This store was recommended by a lady from GRFR. It is locally owned and in Lakewood, so we are all over shopping there (since we like to support our local merchants when we can. then our tax money stays in our city). They have a great selection of pet supplies for all types of pets. They also offer a washing area for dogs and it costs $9.99 and they supply all the 'stuff' to wash your dog. You just supply the dog. It's seems very cool, especially for people like us who do not really have a convenient way to wash a dog at home. So we'll see how it goes....
Stay tuned!!
Posted by
da' hammer
7:25 AM
Wednesday, March 30, 2005
Meet Mack
We received a call the other day that GRFR has a dog that fits our adoption profile. So we set up a time to visit his foster home last night.
He is such a well behaved dog. He didn't jump on us at all, he hasn't been interested in getting on furniture or his foster mom's bed. He's a little over 1 year old and very slender, beautiful reddish coat and very happy.
Our only concern was a little bit of a lump that is on the back of his neck. He was checked out by a vet and they said he was fine, but we are not sure if that lump was noticed. He has been 'chipped' so I wonder if that is what the lump is.
Our next step is to check with GRFR to see if we could get a second opinion on the lump. If another vet says he is ok, then we are ready to adopt him!
Stay tuned....
Posted by
da' hammer
9:24 AM
Friday, March 25, 2005
Blogging for Dogs
For the love of dog...
Dogster is a web site that was launched within the last year and is a "virtual dog park". There are over 70,000 dogs registered and it keeps growing. And for those 'other people' there is a sister site called Catster. I can't wait to get our dog and participate in all the fun!
This is like Friendster, but more fun!
Posted by
da' hammer
9:10 AM
EPIC 2014
Thanks to Sam for finding this intriguing 8 minute video on what the future of media will look like.
Posted by
da' hammer
9:02 AM
Thursday, March 24, 2005
No, it's YOUR turn to walk the dog!
Well after about 4 years of talking about getting a dog and actually visiting a shelter a couple of years ago, we are just about taking the plunge.
We passed our final interview with a very nice woman from the Golden Retriever Freedom Rescue of Colorado last night. Well, the funny thing it is not like it is that tough to "pass". I think they just want to meet you and make sure you are not some freak and live in a hole.
So now we sit back and wait for a phone call. Once they have a Golden that fits our profile (2-3 years old), they call and schedule a time to meet the dog. The real kicker will be if my allergies will react or not. So I am keeping my fingers crossed!
Stay tuned for an update and pictures when we do adopt!
On another note, for those following my new bike story, the frame is in and is currently being built at the shop. Ufortunately there are none in my size available in the color I wanted. So I am getting this one.
Posted by
da' hammer
8:25 AM
Wednesday, March 23, 2005
Help the drunk get home
While St. Patrick's is gone for another year, the need to get home after a long night has not. This Swiss site will test your abilities to get a plastered guy as far as he can walk without tipping over. On the off chance that you can't read the instructions in German, you just use your mouse to try to tug the drunk in the direction that will keep him walking as straight as possible.
Send me your distances.
So far for me 37 meters.
Posted by
da' hammer
3:10 PM
Tuesday, March 22, 2005
A cowgirl, from Texas, walks into a bar and orders three mugs of Bud. She sits in the back of the room, drinking a sip out of each one in turn. When she finishes them, she comes back to the bar and orders three more. The bartender approaches and tells the cowgirl, "You know, a mug goes flat after I draw it. It would taste better if you bought one at a time." The cowgirl replies, "Well, you see, I have two sisters. One is in Australia, the other is in Dublin. When we all left our home in Texas, we promised that we'd drink this way to remember the days when we drank together. So I'm drinking one beer for each of my sisters and one for myself." The bartender admits that this is a nice custom, and leaves it there. The cowgirl becomes a regular in the bar, and always drinks the same way. She orders three mugs and drinks them in turn.
One day, she comes in and only orders two mugs. All the regulars take notice and fall silent. When she comes back to the bar for the second round, the bartender says, "I don't want to intrude on your grief, but I wanted to offer my condolences on your loss." The cowgirl looks quite puzzled for a moment, then light dawns in her eyes and she laughs. "Oh, no, everybody's just fine," she explains, "It's just that my husband and I joined the Baptist Church and I had to quit drinking."Hasn't affected my sisters though".
Posted by
da' hammer
8:07 AM
Friday, March 18, 2005
Feel Pity for the Gas Stations...
Gas station owners' dilemma: too few twos. awwwww.... isn't that just too bad!
Posted by
da' hammer
7:21 AM
Wednesday, March 16, 2005
Bypass Compulsory Web Registration
Check out this web site that let's you bypass compulsory web registration. It is called BugMeNot. Whenever you get to a web site that requires a login etc. to view something, go to this site and put the URL in. It should come back with a valid username & password. And, if you use Mozilla Firefox, there is an extension that you can add and then when you right click on the username field and select BugMeNot, whammo, it populates the fields for you with sign-in information that works!
Posted by
da' hammer
2:37 PM
Sunday, March 13, 2005
Here we are at dinner with Michael, Frances, Andrew, Nikki & Ellen. Our prayers go out to Uncle Lenny. Yashar Koach!
Posted by
da' hammer
7:00 PM
Wednesday, March 09, 2005
Bruce Lee Tryouts
Courtesy of Erik Saunders' blog here is a funny video of a Bruce Lee wannabe.
Posted by
da' hammer
11:41 AM
Wednesday, March 02, 2005
Baby Name Wizard
Check out this cool site that ranks baby names in each decade. Cool Java format!
Posted by
da' hammer
3:06 PM